Any meat or meat product sold or distributed in Ontario must come from inspected sources. These sources include a provincially licensed meat plant (abattoir or free standing meat plant), a federally registered facility or other approved imported sources. The sale or distribution of uninspected meat is illegal, regardless of geographical area, distribution or retail channel.
Our animals are raised, here, on grass pasture, with as little external influence as possible (no hormones, or antibiotics mixed into their feed).
They are free to roam around our property, in and out of the barn, as they wish, to optimize their personal comfort.
The health of each individual animal is of the utmost importance to us. We strive to create an environment as humane as possible.
Our meats are delivered directly from the butcher to the location of your choice. If you require assistance loading the order into your freezer, I'll be more than happy to assist.
After the beef has been adequately aged, the butcher weighs the aged beef. This is called the "hanging weight"; this is the actual weight on which the price is based.
Ordering a quarter cow allows families to assure themselves of a high quality and reliable supply of beef.
Furthermore, the cuts are customized to your needs, something you won't be able to get at today's grocery stores.
Our steaks and roasts are wrapped in red, waxed, butcher paper.
Our ground beef, stewing beef, and ribs come in clear plastic 1lb bags.
All organ meats, bones and suet are packaged in clear plastic.
All cuts wrapped in red paper are good for 2 years in the freezer.
We can deliver the beef flash frozen or fresh